People Independent Economy Organization

Be The Community


Community Does

Community does take care of her own tomorrow today. Community begins with you. ‘You’, are the community. Be The Community.

Community get things done through possibilities of like minds and the ability, action, collaboration, performance, and all inclusive result-oriented programs. Community indeed needs visionary leaders, who are driven by passion of ‘we not I’, caring, committed, and having the experience or knowledge to knowing what it is to know and seeing what it means to see.

We are community – in size, shape, and talents. Community can be a village, neighborhood, a hub, locality, region, city, state, nation  or a global community.

Events have showed that we are interconnected, as we all need one another – together.   

Driven by passion through faith, faith has given us  hope to sharing of our strength in caring for the one community we belong.

Community of faith, in service of God, to settle the spirit, soul, and body.

We humbly proclaim these words as your banner to fulfill your mission across the world; to find attention of favor and influence that what is now declared come back fruitful, IJN… over Emmanuel.

Action Call

The birth of our development era calls for action with new tidings in our community works. Also, our development projects (highlighted below) are  samples of what to expect. These are:

1) Economic Edge Program, and

2) Community Intervention Program.

The two projects call for the action of motivated and passionate community stakeholders, philanthropy organizations, and agencies to act for the common benefit of all and vivid impact in the community-field.

We seek that you join us and care with the concerns as well share in the benefits of the potentials edged out of the uniqueness embedded  in each of our community. 

We also seek support in areas of cogent needs, that is:

1. Join our team to reach the world.

2. Volunteer your skills in needed areas of development.

3. Sponsorship of early stage of community research and diagnose.

4. Sponsor tools and materials needed for unique and identified community.

5. Sponsorship of a phase or two, or some of the phases involved in community project.

6. Part sponsorship of a community program.

7. Whole sponsorship of a community program.

8. Donate fund of personal capacity to a community project.

9. Organization partnership work (organizations, agencies, personnel, industries, constituency reps, professionals, etc) that may add value and bring set goals to fruition.

10. Be more in the community, be on our board.

11. Experts and technocrats works are in great need.

* We encourage you that there are different placements, ease of work accomplishment, and schedules that may fit your personal activities.

* We welcome different organizations, industries, and policy makers for work collaboration.

* We encourage everyone to make your option known through contact email, so we may setup collaborative meeting and walk-through.

Thank you.



“Community success and happiness come when our aim, focus, and desire is to build God’s kingdom” –  Prophet TB Joshua (R.I.P)



acting love, lifting lives, changing communities.


1. Industries – economic expansion will be clearly defined, more profit/revenue is expected to be gained. We can get this done through collaborative work efforts.

2. People – carried along with development taking place, so they may contribute to and benefit from economic increase. This give rise also to increase in needed capacities, income and more consumption, as well as revenue yield for industry and gov’t tax.

3. Agencies – related agencies that add value support gains by reaching more people and adding more revenue into gov’t purse.

4. Community – overtime, community and other development contributors respond by adding needed services and goods to further build growth, well-being, and improve quality of life that build better relationship and mutual trust.

5. Environment – the environment responds to situation as result of foreseeable decrease in crime, health concerns, positive attitudes & behaviors, increase in income and wellness, enhanced consumption that may yield into healthy environment for living. 

Development Projects

Economic Edge Program is a development project designed to meet  conforming economic demands of community common share-value with potentials to saturate circular economy of community productivity and revenues. It creates multi-benefit for people, industries, agencies, businesses, surrounding communities and the retention of its benefits for continue economic regeneration.

Economic Edge Program

Community Intervention Program is a development project designed to stabilize community wellbeing with advantage of building  productive motivations, cares, and skills that may alter social challenges and behavioral hindrances toward becoming opportunity for advancing economic exploratory for the common good of the people, industries, and the holistic community.

Community Intervention Program

love does by caring together.
living together happier.

Join Us. Be the Community.

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